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Monday, January 21, 2008

3 Sellers of Dr. Strangelove.

It was midnight and after drawing the Dirk Nowitzki yesterday I felt the itch to draw some more, but I knew I could do better. I was trying to think of what to draw and recently I've been on a Stanley Kubrick movie kick so I image googled his name to see what I came up with. That's when I decided it'd have to be a scene from Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. But what scene? Since I wanted to work on portraits I decided to pay homage to the star of the movie Peter Sellers, who played the roles of President Muffley, Captain Mandrake and Dr. Strangelove. So I decided to capture all three roles in one portrait drawing. But that's when I had to think about what to do for a background (the weakest part of my portraits). I knew it had to do with the movie but what? I decided on the infamous War Room but I couldn't figure out how to include it so I started looking at incorporating the nuclear bomb, maybe with Slim Pickens riding the atomic bomb in the middle of the drawing. But it's a drawing focusing on Peter Sellers not Slim Pickens so I went back to the War Room idea
and so far I really think it's going to work....Stay tuned for updated pictures of the drawing up until its completion.

3 Sellers of Dr. Strangelove.
18"X24" graphite on paper.
completion time 15.5 hours.

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