So why should Wiebe be inducted into the League of Immortals? No matter the naturally gifted man worked for a lot of the things in his life. No matter he became a middle school science teacher. No, but because he is a Donkey Kong champion.
After watching King of Kong again I decided to see how hard it really is to play Donkey Kong. I downloaded it onto my Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console and started on it. In the film, Billy Mitchell, "gamer of our generation," said the average game in Donkey Kong doesn't even last a minute. I lasted about 30 seconds before I spent my three lives. I ended up with but a couple thousand points. Then I compared my scores to Wiebe's - 1, 049,100. It takes mad skill to do what he and Mitchell do. But since Mitchell comes across as a complete jackass in the documentary, he doesn't deserve to be inducted into this hallowed hall of fame.

The man overcame adversity and mind games to set a new Donkey Kong high score both live and taped before being beaten by Mitchell once again. Apparently when Billy Mitchell topped the high score he did it in front of a few mortgage brokers and without an official Twin Galaxies referee. Sounds suspicious to me. And it should to you too if you've seen this film. So as Wiebe continues to try to top Mitchell's 1,050,200 score, he can rest easy because he is in an elite league. He is now in the League of Immortals.

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